Neil Gershenfeld authoredNeil Gershenfeld authored
- Coronavirus tracking project for rapid-prototyping response
- Issues
- Projects
- next meeting to be scheduled
- 10:30A EDT Tue Oct 20
- 10:30A EDT Tue Aug 25
- 10:30A EDT Tue Aug 4
- 10:30A EDT Tue July 14
- 10:30A EDT Tue June 30
- 10:30A EDT Tue June 9
- 10:30A EDT Tue May 26
- 10:30A EDT Tue May 19
- 10:30A EDT Tue May 12
- 11:00A EDT Tue May 5
- 11:00A EDT Tue April 28
- 10:00A EDT Tue April 21
- 10:00A EDT Tue April 14 meeting
- 10:00A EDT Tue April 7 meeting
- 3/31/20 9:00A EDT meeting
- 3/23/20 meeting
- 3/17/20 meeting
- project links
- fab lab global development and deployment
README.md 25.09 KiB
Coronavirus tracking project for rapid-prototyping response
next meeting to be scheduled
10:30A EDT Tue Oct 20
- video
- background, process
- projects, intros
- Ramesh
- Zaid
- https://www.fda.gov/medical-devices/letters-health-care-providers/protective-barrier-enclosures-without-negative-pressure-used-during-covid-19-pandemic-may-increase
- https://gitlab.cba.mit.edu/alfonso/curved-face-shield
- https://gitlab.cba.mit.edu/alfonso/covid-isolation-box
- https://gitlab.cba.mit.edu/zfredin/negative-pressure-covid-box
- Willie
- equity
- Matt, Chris
- Thomas
- Andrew
- Andreas
- Sixto
10:30A EDT Tue Aug 25
- video
- background, process
- projects, intros
10:30A EDT Tue Aug 4
- video
- projects, intros
- FABxLive
- Matt
- John
- Mike
- Willie
- Emily
- Alyssa
- Howard
- Rejin
- Vaibhav
10:30A EDT Tue July 14
- video
- background, process
- projects, intros
- Stephen
- John
- Matt
- Willie
- Jen
- Jeremy
- Shikha
- George
- FABxLive
10:30A EDT Tue June 30
- video
- background, process
- projects, intros
- Cristiano
- Rich
- Christopher
- Zaid
- Lars
- Peko
10:30A EDT Tue June 9
- video
- background, process
- future regular -> demand-driven scheduling + issue tracking
- projects, intros
- reopening
- Pranam
- Swapnil
- Aditi (Camron)
- Josef
- Garrett
- Ngugi
- Sherry
10:30A EDT Tue May 26
- video
- background, process
- 1 -> 2 weeks
- projects, intros
- Matt
- Alfosno, Zaid
- Ted, Bill
- https://www.shopbottools.com/
- https://innovate.unc.edu/care-vent-emergency-ventilator/
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Lzk3QDS_i4&feature=youtu.be (production ear-savers with pressure foot)
- Julia, Nik
- MIT reopening
- Josef Prusa reopening
- Zach
- Samir
- Megan/build back better (fysa: shift7.com)
- Mitali, Geoff
- FYSA Mitali co-created the 25 city TechJobsTour 2017-18 created by LWT w/shift7 team and other partners https://shift7.com/economic-uplift #AmericaIsHiring (scout&scale, build communities of practice (e.g. guilds))
- http://anitab.org/ and https://ghc.anitab.org/ (Grace Hopper Celebration brings together >22,000 women in CS/tech, AnitaB.org working to de-bias tech)
- https://neighborexpress.org/ (neighbor-to-neighbor food delivery - builds technology that powers local government programs to deliver essential
- Tom, Joel
- Mitali, Geoff
10:30A EDT Tue May 19
- video
- background, process
- projects, intros
- Jonathan, Lalitha
- James
- Steve
- Alysia, Patricia
- Xiao
- Hazhir
- Bob Langer (11:05)
- Steve (11:15)
- Megan/build back better (fysa: shift7.com)
- FYSA - https://www.covidexitstrategy.org/ Ryan P (USDR https://www.usdigitalresponse.org/)
10:30A EDT Tue May 12
- video
- background, process
- projects, intros
- Willie
- Alfonso
- Sanjay
- Sabrina
- Nik
- Karina
- Massood
- Megan/build back better
- https://shift7.com social-environmental-economic solution making through inclusion, #CollectiveGenius, tech-forward innovation
- curating response build-back-better
- rapid-prototyping+rapid-share+rapid-distro+rapid-inclusion+rapid-teamwork+rapid-scale
- in this work consider/accelerate UN Sustainable Development Goals https://sustainabledevelopment.un.org/sdgs, https://shift7.com/solution-makers-2 and https://www.solutions-summit.org/, https://www.local2030.org/local-action, listen and scale welcoming innovation culture, and connect local innovation networks and community innovation places e.g. https://www.fablabs.io/labs/map
- MIT Solve 2020 - FYSA May 12
- https://solve.mit.edu/events/solve-at-mit-2020 all day; 2:45pm ET open session
- Today: https://solve.mit.edu/events/solve-at-mit-2020/schedule#page-subnav
- MIT Solve Challenges Solver Spotlight: https://solve.mit.edu/solver_spotlight
- 2020 Challenges: https://solve.mit.edu/challenges - Good Jobs & Inclusive Entrepreneurship, Learning for Girls & Women, Sustainable Food Systems, Health Security & Pandemics
- Solver teams (all) https://solve.mit.edu/solver-map
- MIT Solve Indigenouse Communities Fellowship - Aaron
11:00A EDT Tue May 5
- video
- background, process
- projects, intros
- Make
- Megan (build-back-better rapid-proto/distro teams), Jeremy&Kelly with CSO-Lauren & CSO-Shalae, Meka, Michelle S, Mitali, Laura
- https://shift7.com/ (social, environmental, economic - solution making thru inclusion - drive #collectivegenius and tech-forward innovation practices)
- https://chiefscienceofficers.org/ (over 700 middle & high school youth elected as Chief Science Officers (CSOs) in their school, already scaled to AZ-GA-MI-OR-WNY-NJ-Kuwait-Mexico-Kenya)
- https://www.code-crew.org/ (Memphis-based rapid skills for CS/Tech for school and post school talent includes playground tech learning)
- https://onwardus.org/ (scaled to 9 states, pandemic rapid essentials access for those who lost jobs + new skills training & job routing)
- http://anitab.org/ and https://ghc.anitab.org/ (Grace Hopper Celebration brings together >22,000 women in CS/tech, AnitaB.org working to de-bias tech)
- https://neighborexpress.org/ (neighbor-to-neighbor food delivery - builds technology that powers local government programs to deliver essential items to vulnerable community members - program of USDigitalResponse.org)
- https://www.inventingtomorrowmovie.com/ and https://www.inventingtomorrowmovie.com/educational-toolkits (expand storytelling & engagement/interest of more people, tap into their interests - film and programs re Active STEM/STEAM engagement of youth)
- Juanma, Carlos, Alvaro
- Ane
- Youyang
- Antonin
- Ohad
- Camron
- Jennifer/(Alex)
- Denis
- Romain, Zach
- Sameera
- ? Paul, Kris
11:00A EDT Tue April 28
- video
- background, process
- projects, intros
- Rui
- Dina
- Zach
- David
- Kohshi, Alfonso
- Josef
- Izhar
- Fred
- Bruce
- Kumar
- Megan (shift7 - curate build-back-better rapid-proto/distro teams), Jeanne (LA)
- https://shift7.com/ (social, environmental, economic - solution making thru inclusion)
- https://datasciencefederation.lacity.org/about-us (LA - college data-science city collaboration -- work on your hometown for your homework, broadens participation)
10:00A EDT Tue April 21
- video
- background, process
- post-surge pace
- demand-driven vs schedule?
- http://fabevent.org/
- projects, intros
- hospital approvals
- Pranam
- Kamau
- Lydia
- Zach, Erik
- Camron
- Nicolas, Denis
- Jonathan
- higher-resolution simulation
- other modeling needs?
- Max
- Manu
- Saul
10:00A EDT Tue April 14 meeting
- video
- background, process, schedule
- projects, intros
- Jifei: swabs
- Avi, Izhar: swabs
- Zach
- HMI remote (live demo)
- Alfonso: kirigami intubation station
- Tim: mask machine
- Matt: mask CFD+testing
- Camron, Alfonso: Filter material characterization
- material database: https://gitlab.cba.mit.edu/camblackburn/filter_media/-/tree/master
- filter efficiency instrument: https://gitlab.cba.mit.edu/camblackburn/filter_testing
- Milan, Tomas: CoroVent
- Bill, Armand: Zund
- Stephanie
- Danny: worker-owned cooperatives
- Ben, Yael: safe map
10:00A EDT Tue April 7 meeting
- video
- background, process
- projects, intros
- Marty: shields
- James: shields
- Zach, Alfonso
- milled multi-layer shields
- intubation
- Matt: masks
- Jifei, Alfonso: swabs
- Sanjay: PPE
- Lars: gowns
- Giovanni: ventilator
- Sai: ventilator
- Michael: fabrics, testing
- Lydia: modeling, transmission
- Amory: immune system
- filter media
- Filippos, Camron: electrospinning
- Jennifer: Tyvek
- Paloma: wood
- Camron: pressure sensors
- UV
3/31/20 9:00A EDT meeting
- video
- projects, intros
- Greg, Camron: particle testing
- Jennifer, James: materials
- Alex: E-Vent
- Elazer: coordination
- Marty, Robyn: shields
- Zach: intubation
- Jifei, Alfonso, Nicolas: swabs
- George, Paul: pumps and blowers
- Jonathan: CFD
- Jan: DARPA
3/23/20 meeting
- unmute, chat, raise hands
prior, new introductions
prototyping updates, trials, investigations
- testing
- shields
- helmets
- filter media
- masks
urgent needs
- surgical gowns, hair nets
- production of sterile PPE in non-sterile workspaces
- swabs
- pipette tips, PCR cuvettes
meeting frequency, next meeting
- Tue Mar 31 9:00A EDT
3/17/20 meeting
- video
- requests, potential projects
- filter nanoparticle testing (Camron)
- filter cartridge and mask design (Jiri)
- filter melt blowing (Zach)
- filter electrospinning (Filippos)
- CPAP helmet (Alfonso)
- CPAP instrumented machine (Jake)
- face shields (Sarah / Zach / Alfonso)
- Flowmeter (Alfonso)
- DIY mask materials
project links
- frameless FabLab-fabricatable face shield: https://gitlab.cba.mit.edu/alfonso/fabshield
- electrospun filter production: https://tourlomousis.pages.cba.mit.edu/cvd-electrospinning/
- mask filter testing: https://gitlab.cba.mit.edu/camblackburn/filter_testing
- positive pressure helmets: https://gitlab.cba.mit.edu/pub/coronavirus/pph-ppe
- minimal ACE2 binder: https://gitlab.cba.mit.edu/pub/coronavirus/minimal-ace2-binder
- origami inspired mask design: https://gitlab.cba.mit.edu/pub/coronavirus/the-maski
- swabs rapid prototyping: https://gitlab.cba.mit.edu/amiraa/swabs-rapid-prototyping
- CPAP filter adapter for resuable mask: https://gitlab.cba.mit.edu/pub/coronavirus/cpap-filter-adapter
- frameless kirigami intubation box: https://gitlab.cba.mit.edu/alfonso/covid-isolation-box
- cast PDMS nasopharyngeal swabs: https://gitlab.cba.mit.edu/zfredin/swabcasting
- 3D printed swab testing: https://gitlab.cba.mit.edu/pub/coronavirus/nexa3d-swab-design/swab-design
- shield simulations: https://gitlab.cba.mit.edu/pub/coronavirus/simulation-of-shield-effectiveness
- negative pressure covid isolation box: https://gitlab.cba.mit.edu/zfredin/negative-pressure-covid-box
- fabricatable pulseox: https://gitlab.cba.mit.edu/zfredin/fab-pulseox
- filter material database: https://camblackburn.pages.cba.mit.edu/filter_media/
- melt-blown polypropylene filter elements: https://gitlab.cba.mit.edu/zfredin/melt-blowing
- rapid tooling for face shield marking: https://gitlab.cba.mit.edu/zfredin/emboss-today
- framed face shield: https://gitlab.cba.mit.edu/zfredin/quickshield
- framed intubation box: https://gitlab.cba.mit.edu/zfredin/intubation-station
- swabs extruder: https://gitlab.cba.mit.edu/alfonso/swab-extruder
- HMI remote for ventilators/etc: https://gitlab.cba.mit.edu/zfredin/hmi-remote